The Path We Travel

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18  

Have you ever wandered on a path through a woods or a field that was new to you? You didn't know where the path ended nor what you would find when you reached the end? But you take the path anyway, perhaps because you like adventure. Maybe it's because someone recommended the path to you, or you read about it somewhere. You start out placing one foot in front of the other and down the path you go. 

Life is like a meandering path that we travel. Sometimes we know or see where it is leading; at other times we come across barriers in our way that we must somehow maneuver around, or over, or under, but very often through. There are places where the views from the hilltop are breathtaking and calming. Everything is going our way. And then… There are valleys with shadows so deep, we can barely distinguish the landscape. It may feel difficult to even catch our breath. But still be plod on, hoping, believing, that things have to improve somewhere ahead. Hopefully, it isn't too far ahead.

We are living some very uncertain times. We want to see ahead. We want to know what is coming, but all we really know is where we are right now. Some forge ahead with the belief that things can only get better. They have too, right? Others just put their heads down, and keep plodding, not knowing if the next step may plunge them into a sinkhole. Still others carry a book with them that they depend on for guidance through the uncertainty. If we look closely at the book carriers, we see that not all have the same book. Why is that? 

Everyone comes at some time to a fork in their path which requires a decision to be made. Which fork is the correct path? Is one fork better than the other? Does one lead to trouble and the other to happiness? You and I must choose which fork, and we want to be sure that we walk in the right path, the best path.

The Journey begins.


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