Lesson 24: The Heritage of the Lord

 A Healthy Lifestyle for Your and Your Family

Lesson 24: The Heritage of the Lord

1. When does a human being first become of interest to God? Jeremiah 1:5

“My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them” Psalm 139:15, 16.

2. When the angel appeared to the wife of Manoah to tell her she would have a son, what instructions did he give her? Judges 13:4

3. When the angel came a second time in answer to Manoah’s prayer what did he ask the angel? Judges 13:12

4. How did the angel reply to his question? Judges 13:14

The maternal influence on the fetus is enormous. Research has proven that what a mother eats and drinks affects her child for life. A pregnant woman who drinks even one alcoholic drink risks having a child born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), a condition that affects both physical and mental development. Medical science has found that there is no set amount of alcohol after which this condition can occur. Afflicted children have been born to mothers who drank only a few drinks, and some mothers who are heavy drinkers have unaffected children and that can change from pregnancy to pregnancy. God’s advice: don’t drink while you are pregnant.

A poor diet will cause the fetus to pull necessary nutrients from the mother’s body. Such nutrients as calcium, if inadequate in the mother’s diet, will be leached from her bones to supply the developing skeleton of the infant. This can make a mother susceptible to osteoporosis.

If the expectant mother smokes, so does her baby. The toxins in tobacco cross the placental barrier. Babies born to smoking mothers have lower birth weights and are more prone to illness, especially respiratory infections, asthma, and allergies.

5. What admonition did the angel give to Zacharias concerning the child Elizabeth would have? Luke 1:15

6. When can a child begin to know the Lord? Psalm 22:9

7. When Mary came to visit, what did Elizabeth’s unborn son do when she heard Mary’s greeting? Luke 1:41

8. What did Elizabeth say about it? Luke 1:44

“I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly” Psalm 22:10.

9. As a result of her disobedience after the fall in Eden, what did God tell Eve childbirth would be like? Genesis 3:16

God pronounced three curses, or results of the disobedience in Eden, one on the serpent, Satan, one on Adam and the earth, and one on Eve. All these curses affected not only Adam and Eve, but all their descendants to the end of time.

“I will greatly multiply thy sorrow.” The Hebrew word here translated sorrow means worrisomeness or labor or pain. “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” The word sorrow here is a different Hebrew word and means painful or a pang. Childbirth would become a painful, time consuming process requiring hard work for all females who have children. 

10. How does the Bible describe the process of giving birth? 

A. Jeremiah 30:6

B. Micah 4:10

C. Isaiah 13:8

In describing the results of Judah’s sins, God compared them to a woman laboring to give birth. The destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jewish people would be like having a baby but without a happy ending.

11. What happens to the mother’s pain and anguish after the birth occurs? John 16:21

12. Who was responsible for attending at deliveries? Genesis 35:17

13. What position did the woman take for the child’s birth? Exodus 1:16

It has only been in modern times and in Western societies that women have been placed on their backs for delivery. This forces a woman to work against gravity to deliver. This position is imposed solely to facilitate the doctor, not mother and child. The doctor rushes in, and rushes out. A midwife stays with the mother throughout the labor, and is better positioned and situated to help her with the birth and is less hampered by the sitting or reclining position of the mother.

14. Does God ever interfere with a woman’s ability to conceive and bear children? Genesis 29;31 and 30:22; 1 Samuel 1:5

15. What curse did God pronounce on the disobedient? Deuteronomy 28:18

“Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters. Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.” Hosea 9:14-17.

Two tiny Egyptian mummies found in Tutankhamen’s tomb testify that the Egyptians suffered miscarriages. The tiny mummies are the daughters that were born prematurely to the young king’s wife.

16. What promise did Hannah make to God if He would give her a son? 1 Samuel 1:11

Hannah, the beloved first wife of Elkanah, was barren. She was often mocked by the second wife who had several children. (God had never planned that men should have more than one wife, and this was one reason why). In her anguish she pleaded with God to give her a son and she would give him to God.

17. Before a year had gone by, Hannah gave birth to a son she named Samuel. When did she keep her promise to God? 1 Samuel 1:24

“For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshiped the Lord there” 1 Samuel 1:28.

Samuel was probably about three years old when he was presented to Eli in the tabernacle. He would become the youngest person known to be called to the prophetic office. God called him while he was yet a child.

“And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision.... And the Lord came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth” 1 Samuel 3:1, 10.

18. What should every parent remember? Psalm 127:3

Next Lesson: Train Up A Child


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