Lesson 19: Faith and A Cake of Figs
A Healthy Lifestyle for Your and Your Family
Lesson 19: Faith and A Cake of Figs
Before beginning this lesson it would be helpful to read the following scriptures: 1 Kings 17:17-23; 2 Kings 20:1-7; John 9:1-7.
1. How serious was the illness which struck Hezekiah? 2 Kings 20:1
2. What did the prophet Isaiah counsel him to do? 2 Kings 20:1
3. How did Hezekiah react? 2 Kings 20:2, 3
4. In answer to Hezekiah’s prayer, what two things did God promise him? 2 Kings 20:5, 6
5. What remedy did Isaiah use? 2 Kings 20:7
We don’t know exactly what disease Hezekiah had, only that it had manifested itself as an inflamed area like a boil, and it was fatal. Isaiah put a poultice of figs over the area. A poultice was used to draw inflammation and toxins from wounds and sores.
6. How did Jesus heal the eyes of the man who was blind from birth? John 9:6, 7
7. To be healed of leprosy, what was Naaman told to do by the prophet Elisha? 2 Kings 5:10
8. The prophet Elijah stayed with the widow of Zarephath and her son while hiding from King Ahab as God had directed him to do. What happened to her son while he was there? 1 Kings 17:17
9. Elijah took the boy to his room, lay him on his bed, and then began to pray. As he was praying, what did he do? 1 Kings 17:21
Whatever disease had struck the boy, we know that it caused respiratory arrest — “there was no breath left in him” and respiratory arrest is death. Elijah’s actions in stretching himself upon the child may have been some kind of resuscitation.
In all these cases, natural remedies were used to facilitate healing, yet it was the power of God that restored the sick and dead to life and health once more.
10. In Ezekiel’s vision, what kind of tree did he see? Ezekiel 47:12
11. What were its fruits and its leaves good for? Ezekiel 47:12
12. John saw the tree in vision in New Jerusalem. What were its leaves for? Revelation 22:2
13. What did Reuben find and bring to his mother? Genesis 30:14
Not everything used as a remedy was healthful. Some were more harmful than good. Mandrake is a member of the belladonna family, and produced a narcotic effect. Anciently people also believed that it would encourage fertility, probably the reason why the childless Rachel wanted them.
14. What advice did Paul give to Timothy? 1 Timothy 5:23
Paul was referring to the pure juice of the grape, not fermented wine which was forbidden (see lesson 8). Timothy must have had digestive problems as well as some other, unlisted, health problems. Today researchers are saying that fermented red wine contains a substance that helps protect against heart disease. What they fail to tell us is that it is present in the grapes and in the unfermented juice.
15. What remedy did the Samaritan use when treating the injured man’s wounds? Luke 10:34
16. Isaiah metaphorically describes the sin sick soul as being full of wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores. What does he say they were not treated with? Isaiah 1:6
Ointment was made from olive oil, the only oil widely available. Today many kinds of ointments are available to apply to wounds. People in Bible times also understood that open wounds needed to be kept covered to keep them clean and to catch any drainage from the wound or sore.
17. Who is it that heals all our diseases? Psalm 103:2, 3
18. What did Jesus say He was sent to do? Luke 14:8
19. List some of the Bible prescriptions for good health.
A. John 11:12, 13
B. Psalm 42:11
C. Proverbs 16:24
D. Proverbs 4:20-22
E. Psalm 41:1, 2
20. When king Asa became an old man, he developed disease in his feel. What does the Bible say about his disease and what he did about it? 2 Chronicles 16:12
21. What else has God promised healing for?
A. Psalm 147:3
B. Jeremiah 3:22
C. Jeremiah 17:13, 14
D. Isaiah 53:5
22. What can bring on ill health that has no remedy? Proverbs 6:12-15
23. What will the Lord do for those who are considerate of the poor? Psalm 41:1-3
24. What has God told us about trust? Proverbs 3:5, 6
25. Why is it important not to trust our own understanding? Proverbs 2:5, 6
26. What is wisdom? Proverbs 9:10
27. The getting of wisdom will do what for the seeker? Proverbs 4:6, 22
28. The Bible speaks of two kinds of wisdom, earthly and heavenly. What are they?
Earthly wisdom is: James 3:14-16
Heavenly wisdom is: James 3"17, 18
Next Lesson: A Merry Heart
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