Lesson 11: Water of Life

 A Healthy Lifestyle for Your and Your Family

Lesson 11: Water of Life

1. The earth, when created on the first day, had no form and was covered with what? Genesis 1:2

2. On the second day of creation, what did God do with the waters? Genesis 1:6-8

3. When the dry land appeared on the third day, what were the waters gathered into? Genesis 1:9-10

Earth is called the blue planet.  From space the oceans, seas, and lakes, which make up so much of the earth’s surface, appear blue.

4. How were the plants and the ground watered after creation? Genesis 2:6

5. When did rain first fall on the earth? Genesis 7:11

6. Why did it rain? Genesis 7:4

“And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually”  Genesis 6:5.

7. After the flood, what promise did God make? Genesis 9:11

8. Where can we find some of the water that first fell as rain at the flood? Job 26:8

The waters which first fell on the earth as rain came from the layer of water which God had deposited in the firmament or the atmosphere around earth (see question 2).  There were also bodies of water that were beneath the earth’s surface that were broken open (Genesis 7:11).  Most of that water is now on the earth’s surface and is found in the rivers, lakes, streams and oceans.  Some of it is found in underground streams and springs.

9. What happens when living things do not get water? Hosea 2:3; Genesis 21:15, 16

10. What is good for quenching the thirst? Proverbs 25:25

11. What did Daniel request to drink for himself and his three friends to replace the wine they would not drink? Daniel 1:12

12. How does God care for the thirst of animals? Psalm 104:10, 11

13. List some things that water is used for besides quenching thirst? 

A. Exodus 29:4

B. Hebrews 10:22

C. Acts 16:23

D. Mark 7:5

E. John 13:12-15

F. Acts 22:16

14. What item is often used with water for cleaning? Jeremiah 2:22

Read the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-5.

15. What was Naaman told to do to rid himself of leprosy? 2 Kings 5:10

16. When he finally decided to obey the words of the prophet, what was the result? 2 Kings 5:14

Water is not only used for cleansing inside and outside the body, it also has therapeutic use.  An example is using ice on a sprained ankle to reduce swelling.

17. When the world was made everything was perfectly safe for use but then sin entered.  Is all the water in the world potable (drinkable)? Exodus 15:23

18. How did God sweeten the bitter waters? Exodus 15:25

19. What ancient city had undrinkable water? 2 Kings 5:18, 19

20. How did God heal the waters of Jericho? 2 Kings 2:20-22

21. How are we to care about those who are thirsty even if they are our enemies? Proverbs 25:21

22. When we feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give water to the thirsty, what are we really doing? Matthew 25:40

23. What will Jesus tell them to do? Matthew 25:34

24. What will Jesus say to those who do not offer a drink to the thirsty? Matthew 25:41-43

25. Their excuse to Jesus’ words is what? Matthew 25:44

26. Because they didn’t care, what will be their punishment? Matthew 25:45-46.

27. Where was Jesus when he asked a woman for a drink of water? John 4:6, 7

28. How did Jesus reply to the woman’s surprise at His request for a drink? John 4:10

29. If we drink of the water that Jesus offers us, what will happen to our thirst? John 4:14; John 6:35

30. Who is the water of life? Psalm 36:9

31. What kind of thirst is quenched by the living water? Matthew 5:6

32. There is coming a hunger and a thirst in the land for what? Amos 8:11

33. What is the cause of this thirst? Jeremiah 2:13

34. Where will the people go looking for the living water and the living bread? Amos 8:12

35. Will they find it? Amos 8:12

36. Why will they not be able to find relief? Jeremiah 8:20

37. When is the time we can come and drink? 2 Corinthians 6:2

38. Who can come? Revelation 22:17

“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”  John 7:37,38.

“Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” Hebrews 3:15.

“O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is”  Psalm 63:1.

Next Lesson: The Light of Life


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