Lesson 10: A Sound Mind

 A Healthy Lifestyle for Your and Your Family

Lesson 10: A Sound Mind

1. What has God promised to give us? 2 Timothy 1:7

2. What happens to the minds of those who drop God out of their knowledge? Romans 1:28

3. What kind of mind do we need? Philippians 2:5

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2.

4. A man who is unstable in all his ways is what? James 1:8

Double minded: Vacillating, two-spirited, wavering, hesitant.

5. A wealthy young ruler came to Jesus and ask how he might have eternal life. In response to Jesus’ answer, he said that he kept all the commandments. Jesus then told him he must do what? Matthew 19:21

6. In what state of mind did the young man leave? Matthew 19:22

7. The love of money does what to people? 1 Timothy 6:10, 11

It is not a sin to be rich, but it is a sin to allow money to become the most important thing in a person’s life. Such covetousness brings sorrow into the life and affects the mind.

8. Heaviness in the heart causes what? Proverbs 12:25

9. What can cause heaviness of heart? 

A. Psalm 16:4

B. Isaiah 38:17

C. Psalm 38:3

10. What can the word of God discern? Hebrews 4:12

The word heart is frequently used in the Bible to refer to the thoughts and the emotions which occur in the mind.

11. How great is the impact of thoughts on a person? Proverbs 23:7, first part

12. What should we ask God to do? Psalm 139:23

13. Why do we need our hearts and thoughts examined? Jeremiah 17:9

14. The heart can be full of what? Mark 7:21, 22

15. Where does the heart stay? Matthew 6:21

16. What will give us contentment? 1 Timothy 6:6, 8

17. Paul suffered many things yet what did he say of himself? Philippians 4:11

18. Why should we be content? Hebrews 13:5

“For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out” 1 Timothy 6:7.

19. What was the condition of men’s hearts before the flood? Genesis 6:5

20. What are we to do with unrighteous thoughts? Isaiah 55:7

21. Does the Bible give an example of depression? 1 Kings 19:2-4

Elijah had just had the experience of Mount Carmel when God had accepted his sacrifice and had sent fire from heaven to burn up the sacrifice, the altar on which it was laid, and the 12 barrels of water that had been poured over it. Then he sent rain, ending the three and one half year drought that had been brought on Israel by their sins. Now after the climax, he temporarily lost hold of the Lord, and when Jezebel threatened him, he became depressed and wanted to die.

22. Jesus traveled into the country of the Gaderenes, but as soon as He left the boat, what met Him? Luke 8:27

23. How did these men act? Mark 5:3-5

These actions are consistent with the symptoms of some forms of mental illness known today such as schizophrenia.

24. In what condition did the disciples find the men who had been possessed? Mark 5:15

25. An anguished father asked Jesus to do what for his son? Luke 9:38

26. What were the boy’s symptoms? Mark 9:17, 18, 22

27. What did the father say was wrong with his only son? Matthew 17:15

28. How did Jesus help the boy? Luke 9:42

29. What Old Testament king suffered from a similar affliction? 1 Samuel 16:14

30. What had brought about Saul’s condition? 1 Samuel 15:26

“Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled” Titus 1:15.

31. How did Saul sometimes act? 1 Samuel 18:10-12

Saul tried many times to kill David, or place him in positions where he could be killed. He even attempted to kill his own son, Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:32-33). He had the priests of the Lord killed (1 Samuel 22:18-19). Saul, through disobedience, had resisted God’s spirit, until He left and Satan had open access to torment Saul. Saul finally died by falling on his own sword after being badly wounded in battle (1 Samuel 31:3-4).

Before sin entered the world there was no sickness either of body or of mind. It was the presence of sin that brought mental and physical illness upon humankind. While some mental illnesses have been found to have some organic (physical) causes, all diseases of the mind affect the thinking processes. The same power that was able to heal the lunatics of 2000 years ago can heal the mentally ill of today.

32. What gives perfect peace? Isaiah 26:3

33. When God fills us with joy and peace, we abound in what? Romans 15:13

“The hope of the righteous shall be gladness: but the expectation of the wicked shall perish” Proverbs 10:28.

“Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is” Jeremiah 17:7.

“And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” Romans 5:5.

Next Lesson: Water of Life


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