Lesson 15: How Should We Be Clothed?

 A Healthy Lifestyle for Your and Your Family

Lesson 15: How Should We Be Clothed?

1. What kind of garments does God clothe Himself with? Psalm 104:1,2

2. What does the garment of light represent? Psalm 37:6

“I put on righteousness, and it clothed me: my judgment was as a robe and a diadem” Job 29:14

3. What is the description given of Christ’s garment on the mount of transfiguration? Matthew 28:3; Mark 9:3

4. How did God create man? Genesis 1:27

5. How does the Bible say they were clothed? Genesis 2:25

Adam and Eve were naked in that they wore no artificial garments. They had been created in God’s image without any sin. They were righteous and were covered with a robe of light like that worn by God and the angels. They did not need to be covered with artificial garments. “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels” Isaiah 61:10.

6. After Adam and Eve sinned, what did they soon notice about themselves? Genesis 3:7

By eating of the forbidden tree, they lost their robes of light for they were no longer righteous. They were now marred with sin.

7. How did they attempt to cover their nakedness? Genesis 3:7

The Hebrew word translated apron in this verse is elsewhere translated girdle. A girdle was like a wide belt that fastened around the middle part of the body. 

8. What kind of garments did God make for them to replace their fig leaf belts? Genesis 3:21

The garment of fig leaves covered very little. A coat will cover most of the body. Notice that Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness and attempted to cover it, but their attempts covered very little and, being made of leaves, would soon crumble. The coats which God made were of animal skins and covered much more.

9. Do we judge other people by what they wear? James 2:2-3

10. What kind of people are we if we judge people by their clothing? James 2:4

11. How are we to treat those who do not have proper clothing? Isaiah 58:6-7

12. What will be the reward of those who do this? Matthew 25:34-36

13. What specific directions did God give concerning the Hebrew priests and nakedness? Exodus 28:42

14. What kind of clothing is a woman to clothe herself with? 1 Timothy 2:9-10

“The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.” Psalm 45:13. A Christlike woman is a daughter of the King of the Universe, and she is inwardly adorned with a garment of wrought gold.

15. What are we not to put on our bodies? 1 Peter 3:3; 1 Timothy 2:9-10

16. What directions were given concerning body piercing and tattoos? Leviticus 19:28

17. How are women to adorn themselves? 1 Peter 3:4-5

18. What specific directions concerning clothing has God given to men and women? Deuteronomy 22:5

Pertaining to is to be similar to another thing. A woman is not to wear clothing that is similar to men’s clothing. A man is not to put on women’s clothing. This injunction forbids all cross-dressing and transvestism.

19. How does the virtuous woman clothe herself? Proverbs 31:22, 25

20. How does she clothe her family? Proverbs 31:21

These verses do not contradict those in Peter and Timothy. The virtuous woman dresses in clothing appropriate for the season, clothes that are well made, of materials that will last.

21. How great should be our concern of whether we have clothing to wear? Matthew 6:30-33

22. In the thousands of years since Adam and Eve sinned, no human has been clothed with a garment of righteousness that was his own righteousness. Why? Isaiah 64:6

23. What has Jesus counseled us to buy of Him? Revelation 3:18

24. What does the white raiment that He told us to buy represent? Revelation 19:8

25. Where do the saints obtain their robes of white? Zechariah 3:3-5

26. Why does He have a robe of white? 1 Peter 2:21-22

27. How can a sinful being be clothed with a garment of righteousness? 2 Corinthians 5:21

It is not through anything that we do that will merit us the robe of Christ’s righteousness. We are saved through grace, because Jesus died in our place and paid the penalty of the law which is death. “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23.

28. What has Jesus promised to do with our unrighteousness if we take it to Him? 1 John 1:9

29. How will the redeemed be clothed? Revelation 7:9

Next Lesson: Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness


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