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The Path We Travel


 Restart. It's not what I want to do, restart a blog. But when I have gone for months without posting anything, then a restart is the only course of action. I let out a big sigh. How am I going to do this? I've researched how I'm supposed to post on my blog. Yeah, find my target audience, then research what appeals to them, then write all my posts to appeal to them. Uhh, no. Doesn't work for me. It feels forced to write that way. Like I'm trying to sell something. (I've been down that road and I'm no longer attempting to sell anything, anywhere.] Besides, who is my target audience? What factors am I supposed to consider? Age? Employment? Ethnicity? Religion? Personality? World view? Interests? What?  One thing I know for certain, I know what I like, what I don't like. I know what I enjoy doing, reading, eating, studying, listening to. What pertains to my life, those things I can write about. Struggles? Yes, of course. Personal beliefs? Without doubt I ca

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